Good Times, Wonderful Times –
Staring Molly Parkin in a film by Lionel Rogosin
Happy 88th Birthday Mum!

I have an amazing ending for this piece which is (spoiler alert) a wonderful introduction to a film Molly made by her daughter Sophie. But where to start? Without going into too many details my introduction to Molly was through an incredibly erotic novel. From there as I aged through the 80's as with anything knowledge and experience shines a light on; I began to appreciate Molly Parkin on the many levels upon levels.
Fast forward 35 years or so, I introduced myself to Sophie Parkin at an event I was invited to at Vout o Reenees, her gorgeous Private Members Club. I had no idea who she was or indeed who her mother was. I remember mumbling something about Molly after hearing her Parkin surname and Sophie replying yes she's my Mother. (wow ok...)
Back to the amazing ending to this piece which Sophie introduces you can read that below. As you read you might feel that Sophie is putting the record straight about her Mother. Whose love and association with a glamorous Bohemian life may have overshadowed Molly Parkin's fight for a cause she passionately believed in. Click the Vout o Reenees above for details of the screening.
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Fast forward 35 years or so, I introduced myself to Sophie Parkin at an event I was invited to at Vout o Reenees, her gorgeous Private Members Club. I had no idea who she was or indeed who her mother was. I remember mumbling something about Molly after hearing her Parkin surname and Sophie replying yes she's my Mother. (wow ok...)
Back to the amazing ending to this piece which Sophie introduces you can read that below. As you read you might feel that Sophie is putting the record straight about her Mother. Whose love and association with a glamorous Bohemian life may have overshadowed Molly Parkin's fight for a cause she passionately believed in. Click the Vout o Reenees above for details of the screening.
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It is 75 years since the release of prisoners from Auschwitz, Good Times Wonderful Times directed by Lionel Rogosin. With Molly Parkin who is about to be 88 feb 3rd. 55years since Good Times Wonderful Times was entered into the Venice Biennale. A film that juxtaposes the banality of a life with the apparent cheapness of it. Molly Parkin is in a cocktail party with her newly elocution treated vowels – you couldn’t speak with a welsh accent in polite London society then!. They gulp at spirits as if it was beer , and puff on cigarettes as if it will alleviate what happened 20 years before. The horror of war.
Many people hold strange ideas about my wonderful Mum Molly Parkin (including Wikipedia WTF!) Not many know that she was involved with maverick Lionel Rogosin John Cassavetes and a bunch of activists anti racism anti facism and anti war' of course she is a feminist, but firstly she's a humanist. She was the first person to feature a woman of colour in a fashion magazine in the UK, NOVA, she also made this film. I'll be showing it Please come friday 31st 7.30 £5 as a commeomoration to my mum 88 next monday, Lionel and all the Jews and Gypsies who should never have died in the unspeakable decade of facism 75 years ago.