She smiled as she Sashayed home.
For more than as long as she could-
Hope that this would last.
Not false and fake as in the past.
But real so your free to feel.
Without being armed with caution.
To protect from nights of tears.
And Sunday night fears.
He cautiously grinned as he walked towards and through-
His garden gate.
Knowing full well the cause of his grinning was in the hands-
Of someone else’s heart.
And already it hurt him to be apart.
As he felt for the last time alone.
Thinking about the girl.
Who Sashayed home.
For more than as long as she could-
Hope that this would last.
Not false and fake as in the past.
But real so your free to feel.
Without being armed with caution.
To protect from nights of tears.
And Sunday night fears.
He cautiously grinned as he walked towards and through-
His garden gate.
Knowing full well the cause of his grinning was in the hands-
Of someone else’s heart.
And already it hurt him to be apart.
As he felt for the last time alone.
Thinking about the girl.
Who Sashayed home.