The Man Who Fell to Earth.
Originaly released in 1976 The Man who fell to earth still puzzles people. Film students dissect it for fun. Directed by Nicolas Roeg who had to convince Paramount about this one.
"Can Bowie act? Why dosen't he sing?"
Roeg made a point of him not singing!
Rereleased on it's annaversary and no doubt looking marvalous after it's makeover..... I would dash to see it over the weekend if i were you.
It will have a limited distribution but you will find it.
Two trailers below, old and new.... Enjoy x
"Can Bowie act? Why dosen't he sing?"
Roeg made a point of him not singing!
Rereleased on it's annaversary and no doubt looking marvalous after it's makeover..... I would dash to see it over the weekend if i were you.
It will have a limited distribution but you will find it.
Two trailers below, old and new.... Enjoy x