As Thousands Flock To The 'Industries' Many! Comparison Site Annual Weekend Parties... Which One Is Best? - We go 'Old School' and have a look!"WIFE HIGH" The new controversial public internet challengerisationer has had a mayjor setback after she refused to get down on Tuesday - Recent reports indicate a normal to average WiFi measurement - although her husband said he thought she had put on a few pounds at the casino - This may or may not have resulted in the 'reverse lie in.' Rumours of the Wife sleeping aloft in the loft are highly doubtful erable until we get the pictures back from a -com- -com- comparison able isationing photo comparerer - strictly LLLegal - zzzzz ah narcolism !! Earlier Security Guard has A Good CryWhen security was called today, he started crying and said at school it was a easier. Being a security guard at the school was a lot easier, primary anyway - when they came for him he shouted...... WOHHH..........We're going to Barbados ... x More and More reports of Thousands Sick of Cashback!CASHBACK CASHBACK!! - Shut up! We're just getting reports about the twat banging on about cashback rewards - cashback rewards this- cashback rewards that - he still maintains that by buying things you will get your money back! Have a word with your Mum and Dad or Grandparents about this claim... or better still, have a think yourself? mmmm Cashback mmm Doh! Another success story here, the award winning 'We Got MMMore Hhotel init' the app that finds the best app to find the best app to help you find the best App to get you the best hotel, has posted a record $12 Billion profit from It's off shore Head Office. Sadly this coincided with a %60 increase in hotel closures around the globe. Each closure is filmed though and you can view on the 'We Got MMMMore Hotel website - Enjoy! Violence erupted in Costa Nero earlier as the WiFi speed dropped below the standard required to not have to look up for any reason. Police were called after screams in the toilet were heard which remarkably coincided with a 63 man posing as a 19 year girl also complaining about a failed snap chat pic. The unnamed for legal reasons sexual predator is suing the WiFi supplier and the 19 girl was cautioned for attempting to lead a 63 year old pervert on - We're just getting reports of a WiFi prob in the Holloway area... the neighbours agreed to talk to us if we change their sex - Mrs Norman said - "It was awful, "Get Me A Bagel I'm Starving!" Was heard ...followed by an older more frail voice...."I'm just doing the laundry and cleaning the kitchen can't you do yourself a bagel your 14 now....?" The neighbour described how this seemed to escalate the situation, Mr Norman sorry Mrs Norman said he heard the screams as if they were from the dark primeminister witch herself! "Right I'll starve then! That's what you want! I hate you! I hate living here! I'm so full of anxiety why don't you understand me???!!" We'll keep you up to date, but the person denying a bagel to that distressed young person dealing with intermittent WiFi - may well be in trouble...! On a positive note, Mr Norman has realised he wants to be Mrs Norman and thankfully Mrs Norman wants to be Mr Norman! For legal reasons the identity of the neighbour below is still changed. So the witness Mrs Norman who was Mr Norman but who now will be Mrs Norman as stated - will still be seen to be Mrs Norman - for the court. Any bagel advertising is strongly denied by both Mr and Mrs Norman then, and Mrs and Mr Norman now! An angry outburst calling for political change that swamped social media earlier today came to an abrupt end after the Uber Eats app crashed - mopeds carrying a plethora of multi national take away food convened peacefully or collided in a violent frenzy in (can't disclose for legal reasons and your all stupid) location....depending on your algorithm - after repeated attempts and failing to get parents to deliver food - the political change organisation was shelved after Wi Fi networks promised to increase broadband speed - as well as trying to explain that free and three are not the same in the London areap;''''''''oi0 that was Mitzi not me! ⏰
AhhhwhatmmWHAT! What? You awake? Love you.. Love you too, what time is it? Have you heard about Ken, it's early. We love each other don't we? Yes we do love each other.. have I heard what about Ken.. oh don't tell me.. he's had all my organic semi skimmed and mixed it with my Bison & Kaluah and gone dude first thing! They said Ken was in hospital fuck off?.. Who said..Who said Ken was in hospital?! 🕰 We're going to the hospital together aren't we? Yes, we are. And we love each other don't we? Yes, we love each other, and we are going to the hospital together. I'm a brave soldier for going aren't I, you said. Is Ken a brave soldier? Love you. Yes I did say. And yes..Ken is a brave soldier. Love you. We love each other.. We do love each other. Will Ken be ok? I don't know - I don't know
At last⏰
Ahhhwhat What!? You awake? Love you, it's just that now I'm not depressed any more I .. What time....Your not depressed any more? Well I love you that's great news. You mean you've come through it? I've come through a cure and because we love each other it's .. we do love each other don't we? Yes! We love each other.. what cure? What's happened? No - I'll fuck off it's too early.. 🕰 Hi how was work? Love you, did you have a good day. I watched TV. It's different without depression somehow. Well for a start I was thinking about what you said all day, about not being depressed any more. I love you We love each other We do love each other, but you have to tell me about your depression and how such a turn about happened? What time is it? About half 7 I'm off to bed..night. ⏰ Ahhh what..What! Love you, morning. Thought I'd bring you a cuppa cus I saw you were awake but Ken had all the milk in his White Russian before he went on duty What time is it? Ken had a White Russian before he went on duty? Why was he here? What time is it? I'm still not depressed, love you. Do you love me? Ah depressed, tell me what happened, I love you - why was Ken here? He had White Russian's , we love each other don't we ? Ken helped us with depression Ken helped us with depression? Who's US - How, what the.. oh too early Fuck Off! ⏰ Ahhhwhat..WHAT? I said I wasn't depressed because I saw the air rifle, love you Love you, what time is it? What air riffle ? What has been going on?! Well every one who said they were depressed got shot up the arse with an air riffle. And the next day when he asked them again....they weren't depressed any more....Love you too. AhhhFUCK OFF! 🕰 Did you have a good day? I just watched.. Never mind Tele.. what was you talking about this morning. I was half asleep! I fuckin love but sometimes I'm at my wits end! Did someone get shot, up the arse?! Ken phoned, he wants to do another one, I'm still happy and I love you..and Ken phoned about what? What another one! Ahhh why are you still happy!? Ffs KEN!! ⏰ ☕️, what time is it? Love you, will Ken ever come back - is this the weekend? Love you too, I don't know if we'll see Ken again.. Did you tell him off? He said you told him off. He said it was a fine start to the weekend. Is this the weekend? Yes this is the weekend- my coffee is black..did Ken have a White Russian this morning? I love you, I like the weekend.No Ken didn't have a White Russian this morning.. Oh right, I'm glad you like the weekend, love you too.. He had 4.... love you FUCK OFF Banana's and⏰Ahhhh WHAT?
Are you awake? I was just thinking. And I just thought if you were awake... you do love me? What time is it? Yes i love you and YES i'm awake now, you should know i love you without waking me up to ask me! Oh i didn't wake you to ask you that, I was just thinking... What time is it? You were just thinking about what? Well you know we love each other, and you know on Xmas morning I was asking you where banana's come from and well.. Well What? Is it half 5 again ..yes Xmas morning banana's BUT WHAT NOW!? If it's BANANA's again you can fuck off! It's Banana's's 10 to 5 love you. FUCK OFF! 🕰 Good day at work, love you Not bad, i'm tired...someone woke me you too I've been watching television... Oh yeah... Yeah watched a programme about monkeys.. you know what they eat? Ooh ur...BANANA's?? Yeah! But you know how we peel them? Well i love you and you love me but we peel banana's the wrong way! I do love you, but i peel banana's the right way! Well i love you but you don't... what time is it? Half 7... Love you...goodnight Ahhhh what...What?
Have you seen Ken? What time is it? Love you, do you want a cup a tea? Love you...What Time is It? Have you seen Ken? WHAT TIME IS IT!? Half 5.... FUCK OFF! 🕰 Did you see Ken? Oh I wasn't looking for him, he's just been acting realy weird What do you mean weird? Why were you asking if i'd seen him? Well, you know , just wondered if you'd seen him acting weird. lurking about outside the chemist.. Fuck off! ⏰ Ahhhh What! Are we still going on holiday? What time is it? Yes we're going tomorrow. Ken is meeting us at the airport. WHAT TIME IS IT! Are you just taking a suitcase? Do you love me? Yes I love you ..a suitcase and a flight bag WHAT TIME IS IT? Half 5 whats a flight bag? FUCK OFF! ⏰ Ahhhh What! Aren't we going on holiday now? Do you love me? Yes i love you yes we're going on holiday, what time is it? Whats that Sainsbury's bag? Love you too, thats my flight bag. Ken phoned. Ken phoned? Thats not a flight bag! When did Ken phone? What time is it? Ken phoned about 10 ..we love each other don't we? Yes we do. 10 last night? Ken called at 10 last night? No 10 this morning We should be at the airport at 10 this morning! What time is it? Half 10.. love you FUCK OFF! "Noodles I Slipped" from Once Upon A Time In America...VS "We Need A Bigger Boat" from Jaws...7/10/2017 Ok, you did your Verses.. with your film degree and stuff. Frankie And Johnny with Claire the loon vs About Last Night With Dreamie Moore and the headphones......Right? love you don't I Well now it's my turn.... Are you mad? How can you decide on the best scene out of two great Scenes? You know I love you but you are a little crazy where contrasting film scenes is concerned.. No syntigmatic connotation to further the narrative? Stop! Do you love me? You know I love you..But Stop! Just chose..... go with your heart ..... you What was it between again?... you but your stalling.... If you love me you'll give me till tomorrow....💋 Ok, I know your not going to let this one lie...So before I answer, I can tell you that "we need a bigger boat was add libbed by Brody... not that that influenced my Get on with it.... Ok "noodles..... " I just love that film i knew straight you.. I'm going...."Bigger Boat" i've never seen the other film all the way through. It's that long even the actors seem to age..thanks for being honest, love you The actors don't age? they just appear follow the narrative.. Well these weren't following nothing and they just looked older. Do you know in Frankie and Johnny? Yes? Well you know when they brush their teeth all round the flat talking ? Yes? Have you ever tried to do it..? secretly you know.. love you don't i.. Yeah saw that, French. About a souffle...boring... If your talking about Godards masterpiece ...? love you I watched it, nothing. No sense.... love you too What about your drinking, why aren't you writing about your battle with the brew? love you Because I'm projecting my battle with alcohol onto French New Wave Cinema and in particular the language it fathered!! l.o.v.e you You mean 'mise en scene' and touch de flippin you too Yes! it's so.... anyway 500 blows is you...... If you mean 400 may have a you No not yet but I will is all you spouting off about SoHo.... No>> i've moved on from that, it's about The Golden Age OF Everything! Brilliant I'll have a look.. you do that..... From To GoneFrom road trips to train trips. Boxing fights and holiday flights. From design to music. Film and Art. To endeavour and discovery. Moon landings and conspiracy. Apart from selfishness. And being wrong. The golden days of everything. Have gone. pauliepaul No need for that... love you Love you too Well that cheered me right up..
Not supposed to cheer you up, you want cheer up watch ..The two Ronnies.. love you love you too... What a stupid vs's Why is it? Because .. No, both are relationship films, both deal with relationship being honest with yourself because if you are not then how can you be honest with a partner.. Yeah ok, i can see that, i'll have a think... Ok..for me..About Last Night Why because you can relate to that? No it's Dreamie Moore... What about Phiefer? I like Phiefer how do you spell? but dreamie moore in that film... and they did the headphone thing... Yeah but what about Claire de Lune? Clare the loon? what was she in? No C... oh leave that you love you too I'm going to put a link about C about claire the loon
Alright have have alook at her love you love you too |
Booze & Personal Stuff..Jo's mum rushed into intensive care puts things into perspective... After days of visiting her mum I managed to drag Jo and Daisy away to Hop Farm for camping in ELBY van .... the thing I love most in life is making breakfast for Jo and Daisy in a field as we camp with our van..
Starting to lose a bit of my Belly even though I haven't cut out the booze. Just simple changes now although I did a carb free 24 hours - that included booze.. I was going for another day but felt so tired at the office I could have slept! I decided to send out for a chocolate snack with nuts in. Not naming because I didn't check for palm oil I just devoured it! I was looking for the wrapper afterward to check for palm oil but I couldn't find it! I have 2 conclusions 1/ my alter ego surfaced and destroyed the wrapper for as yet unknown reasons...or 2/ I ate the bar - wrapper and all in a carb frenzy?! The guilt I felt was enormous but I held steadfast and avoided carbs for the rest of the day/eve. (apart from a few glasses of wine) The next morning my wife Jo ordered breakfast from a cafe for me her and Daisy as a treat.... Now the war opened up on 2 fronts...1/carbs and 2/ meat The toast and the sausage became for an instant my reason for living... then without warning bacon! Sheepishly I picked up my plate leaving behind the toast and the bacon. I am not proud of the fact that a lot of my close friends and loved ones are aware of my addiction to sausages, a genetic weakness on my fathers side. I had been clean for about a month, but something snapped and I broke. Soon after I went back for a slice of toast and then for a rasher of bacon. Gutted! I bounced back the following day and decided that eating a minimal amount of carbs, for example 1 slice of toast with my scrambled eggs - was the way forward. This has worked and apart from fish I have also resisted meat. I've realised that food can be a trap, and ind if you don't respect it's power it will take over your body! Carbs in particular are very powerful, the moment you have eaten them they message your brain to think of more, then more... I view carbs as a treat now, I have to because I'm 53 and 5'8 - my weight can escalate very fast! Keep you posted - pp 24-7-18 Hang on.... I just bought some I'll be honest....pp x Back later on this.... Well I seem to have slipped back into my old pattern. Not as bad but bad enough for me to do a dry June. 🥃😡 |